Thursday, February 28, 2008

10 - Step Approach to ETHICAL DECISION - MAKING

1. What is happening?
*I'm pressed with time and the matter of unassurance in choosing a career path. I'm very much interested in Communication Arts/Mass Communication, which is supposedly my primary choice; however, my dad is very particular in the field of Business and he insists I do not take Mass Communication (for whatever reason he has). Comparing these courses, I think I would outstandingly excel at Mass Comm, since this sector suits my interest and I therefore believe that such a course would offer much more interesting opportunities for me.

2. Journalistic Goals
*Focusing on short - term goals, I am fixated first in, of course, giving my best performance in High School -- not only academically, but together with my co - curricular activities and the projection and exposure of my talents. Second, I should discuss this matter/concern with my parents (esp. Dad) for their enlightenment regarding my interests and futuristic goals and visions which I see ahead of me. Moreover, this suggestion would hopefully help me in deciding for my course in College.

3. Ethical Concerns
*I cannot avoid and make ignorance as a resolution to my problem. I know for a fact, the more I prolong such concern, would prolong such burden for me in critical thinking. I just do not know how to contradict and suggest recognition into an opposing thought/idea to my father who has different visions and futuristic plans for me. I understand he may probably see a brighter future in the course of Business; however, he does not recognize the idea of my interests in which I can easily excel.

4. Do I need more points of view?
*Yes. Come to think of it, I need to talk to more people who have experienced similar situations; then this would probably encourage me to take a few steps forward into reaching my objectives.

5. Who are the stakeholders?/Who are involved?
*Basically, my dad and I have contrasting and opposing thoughts on the matter. But then again, I hope he encourages and supports my course of interest as he recognizes the establishment of my personal strengths, in which I would want to experience and discover in such conquest of learning and personal interest.

6. What are the consequences of my actions?
*Passivity would just dig me a deeper grave. I always go by my principle -- Passivity may be an action; but never a character. (I made it up) Especially in dealing with decisions like these, I can never be justified by passivity. If no action is promoted then I know that I would have to work my way into a career (which I dont approve of) with a blank face and smile (not going to happen). At the end of the day, I would want to feel every inch of gratification and self - satisfaction through exploring my world of interest. I just can't see enough interest for me to recognize in the course of Business.
7. What if roles are reversed?
*If I were dad, I would probably listen and have an open eye on why my kid would take up such course. Not only that, I’d probably notice then the significance of decision making and support, on which my daughter is trying to establish through her manner of discussing to me her future objectives.

8. Am I doing what is right?
*Yes. I am introducing to my dad small doses of my career path. I know it would upset him if he would have to swallow it in one sitting.

9. Alternatives.
*Well, I cannot see any other alternative on this situation since it is my responsibility in choosing and prioritizing the significance of decision making. It is a major decision I have to make soon and I would not want to screw part of my life by not following my own interest. There is NO PLAN B. :))

10. Can I justify my own decisions and actions?
*Yes of course, I know that at a certain point I have to live with independence; and this is one way of making my dad proud as well. :)

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